Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Whistle while you work.

Well, my parents got into the habit of calling me Negatori (a play on my nickname Tori), but I think when I'm confronted with an unpleasant or bad situation, I react reflectively. You have to weigh the pros and cons in your life and adjust accordingly. Although I'm not usually very quick to be excited or happy I'm also not very quick to think negatively about something, I have to have all the information before I can react. In general though, I think I'm have a pretty sunny disposition. I like to keep on the sunny side of life.
I'm usually pretty happy to be at the radio station, so I would think that my attitude is positive while I'm there. I like the people there and they're very nice to have conversations with. I don't think that there is much room for improvement as far as my attitude is concerned, but I'm interested to see what my evaluation says.
My parents always taught me to do everything with a joyful heart, which as you can imagine, I still haven't mastered. I think the real lesson was to have a good attitude though. Complaining doesn't get you anywhere and there are always going to be things you have to do that you simply don't want to. Throughout my life I've seen people with bad attitudes as well as people with good ones, and I've come to the conclusion that having a bad attitude is a waste of time and really doesn't help one bit.

1 comment:

carrie said...

I thought your nickname was Vicki? :)

I like the joyful heart philosophy. Your parents have done a fine job raising you!

30/30 points