Tuesday, April 22, 2008


My quiz results said that I was okay at cell phone etiquette, not good, but not bad either. I don't talk on my phone that much unless I'm at home, or if I really need to, I'll have a short conversation in public, or I guess sometimes when I'm really bored I talk on my cell phone in public. Something about having a private conversation in the middle of Target just turns me off. I don't text because I don't pay for my phone service and my dad doesn't want to pay extra just so I can text my friends when I can just as easily call them, which is understandable. I generally don't view my phone as my lifeline, I like to be unreachable sometimes. Much to my friends dismay, I frequently don't answer my phone. I don't want to be available 24/7. While I understand the convenience and safety of a cell phone, I kind of don't like them. It's just one more thing I have to deal with and carry around with me, also, people treat their phones as status symbols, I don't' care what my phone looks like, I've dropped it so many times I've lost count. Having a phone is good for last minute changes in plans, my mother keeping tabs on me, and maybe a couple of other things, but people treat them like extensions of their arms and like something they need; I know plenty of people without cell phones and they're doing just fine. So I guess when I am on my phone I'll keep in mind that the quiz said I could be a little more conscious of my manors, but it might be a while before I can practice.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Interesting title! I agree with you. I am not into my phone at all. I only use it sparingly, and I can't stand Target cell phone talkers!!

10/10 points