Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Task #2 Week Three

Taking Notes:
A lesson that's worth being learned.

1. Be prepared, have paper and pens with you when you walk through the classroom door.
2. Be attentive and listen for ques to write things down.
3. Learn how to abbreviate your words so you can write faster and keep up with what the teacher is saying.
4. Go over your notes after class to make sure they make sense and make any corrections that need to be made.
5. Check with you teacher and other student in the class to make sure you didn't miss anything important.

It's the latest fashion.

1. Eliminate distractions that interfere with working on tasks.
2. Find a good place to work on tasks.
3. Commit yourself to completing a task once started.
4. Get help from teachers and other students when you find a task difficult.
5. Work on tasks at the times you work best.

1 comment:

carrie said...

#5 from your second list is very true. I can hardly get anything done after 5:00.

I know this is a challenge of yours, but at least you know how to combat it :)

20/20 Points